If there are different truths, how can people determine what is right?
Throughout Unit 2, we talked about truths and how there can be multiple. There is never one truth because people may have different conceptual schemes and rationals. In science, experiments can be done to determine if something is true or not. However, the results may not always be completely right. People may also look at the results and come to different conclusions depending on what they believe and how they see the world. If there are so many different opinions and views on life, can something ever be truly right? What makes us think something is right when someone else does not? It does not make sense how we declare something “right” when we have so many different opinions and truths about a topic. Maybe nothing can be truly right because we all have different biases with what the truth looks like. We may agree on things such as laws or findings because the majority of people think it is right even when we do not always agree with it. There is never one answer, and different situations require different reactions. Everyone has a different background that shapes their beliefs and conceptual schemes. Because of this, maybe there is never a way to determine what is true.